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Magdalene Temple: The Sacred Slut

Magdalene Temple: The Sacred Slut


Is all about reclaiming our inner Sacred Slut, to realize our eros is holy & through pleasure is how we meet God.


This is a shamanic & tantric ceremony located in a private villa in Ubud, Bali, that involves shadow-work & dark-arts, shamanism & embodiment, ritual & sacredness, sensuality & taboo. The medicine is intense, transformational, raw, wild, playful, sensual, dark, deep, expansive. This is not your typical tantra workshop.

*Dinner is included, address sent upon application approval


A temple is connecting to the divine, welcoming all that you are, and immersing yourself in sensual ceremonial practices. It's a spiritually potent space where you use your sensual energy to open the portal to the Goddess. In Ancient societies, tribes would partake in eros practices within sacred spaces (Temples) in order to connect deeper to divine energy, usually led by a Priest and/or Priestess. Sensual expression was (and still is) a form of prayer to the Goddess and was accepted and considered natural. Today, the sacredness and origin of eros as a channel to connect to divinity, higher states of consciousness, and to the holy mother earth has been forgotten and shamed. Most beings in our modern world are unaware of the spiritual potency sensuality invokes & what it truly means to partake in these practices.

This temple is in devotion to Mary Magdalene, who in my truth, was much more significant than Jesus's disciple. Magdalene was a worshiper of Goddess Isis and was a Priestess that used sacred sensual practices to heal others. Her spirit will help us to channel the divine feminine within our own vessel as we journey throughout the evening. She also represents the feminine part of the sacred union of the Christ consciousness (Jesus representing the masculine). So this is another layer as we will be doing deep work with our feminine energy to help initiate sacred union inside our own being. My work— called goddess activation— uses various feminine archetypes to assist the shamanic portal we will enter in this sacred work. So the focus of this event is to allow Mary Magdalene to be the holder & creator of this particular ceremony.

Magdalene, in my truth, was also a worshiper and priestess of Goddess Isis, where she channelled the Goddess to use sensual energy to heal others in her temples. This was a sacred right of the priestess & was extremely valued & admired in ancient societies. The medicine of sensual healing is a very powerful tool that has been demonized by the patriarchal religions that tried to control the power of the feminine. It is my mission to help others reclaim this sensual power so we can bring balance of the feminine in ourselves & on the planet.

Moving through the Slut archetype is a crucial step in healing the wounded feminine & in reclaiming our sensuality. What was once sacred & revered, got deeply repressed. As a consequence, the Slut plays out in the shadows & has caused harm because of that. Who better to guide us through that than Magdalene, who was demonized for being a sensual healer?

An aspect of the feminine is the ability to be our own creator, using the power of sensual life-force energy. There is nothing offensive about being a sacred slut, which means, using sensual energy to heal & create. I am a living, embodied slut & holy whore: for life, for love, for pleasure, & most importantly for the people & the planet.

Women-only boundary:

This temple is only for those in female bodies. While it is queer friendly, it is not queer focused. This is about your own individual journey to reclaim your sensual power and pleasure, with the tribe of other sisters. We are setting the boundary of no cocks in this space in order to create a safer space for women to dive into the deep work of reclaiming their sensual power & healing any wounds and/or shame that could be around it.

Rituals could Include: (we honor the shamanic process & go with what is truly in service to the group)

  • Sacred Slut Reclamation Ritual

  • Sensual Alchemy Self Pleasure Ritual

  • Yoni Worship

  • Delayering Sensual Shame

  • Goddess Activation Dance

  • Embodied Shadow-work

  • The Depth of Boundaries

  • Eros Magic

  • Orgasmic Breath & Movement
    & more


What to bring:

  • Towel or sarong

  • Water bottle

  • Blindfold or something to cover your eyes (it’s important that everyone has one, so bring extras if you have)


  1. No drugs or alcohol: we want to ensure everyone remains conscious and on the same “frequency” to keep the space safe

  2. No judgment: we are not here to shame anyone

  3. We welcome your triggers and inner processes, which is why we will have a "time-out" room for you to completely de-brief when needed, as well as a corner space for emotional release.

  4. You must apply and go through a screening process before being able to purchase a ticket. If we feel your intentions are impure, you will not be accepted. If you are not accepted, we will refund you the ticket NOT including the service costs.

Is this for you?

If you are looking for an eros party and are not interested in self-development, self-awareness, and self-healing work-- this is NOT for you.

If you want to take ownership of your sensuality, to strip any harmful conditioning around sensuality, to open yourself to divine pleasure, to meet the god/goddess in one another, to use sensual energy for healing, to awaken the goddess in you, to heal shame around sensuality, to love yourself deeper.... this is for you! If you also want to meet others walking a similar path, this is for you!

Commonly asked questions:

I have a boyfriend and we are not in an open relationship, but I feel really called to come. What discussion do I need to have with my partner before coming?

We will be partnering up in pairs for some rituals. It is important that you have a full discussion with your partner on your boundaries, what is and is not okay. Discuss the gray-zones & “what-ifs”. Speak about your real desires with your partner beforehand to avoid it coming out in the shadows due to repression/self-denial during the event. It is ok if you do not know, as the consistent self-reflection I will guide you in will keep you in a state of awareness.

I'm not sensually into women, is this for me?

Yes, totally. This is a self-exploration of your own sensuality. You are not forced to do anything that doesn't feel aligned in you, and that is the major component of the temple practice: honoring your truth.

I'm sensually into women, is this for me?
Yes, totally. While the focus is on your individual exploration, there is plenty of opportunities to connect to other beings in the space & to take it as far as you desire & is within consent.

I have never done this before is this right for me?

Depends on “this”.

If you mean tantra, then yes this can be right for you. While what we do is advanced work, you do not need to have experienced tantra, because this is beyond tantra. This is shamanism. You will be surprised by how much your body remembers indulging in sacred sensual & eros work such as this. Us women are made for this, this is where our power lies. Now, if it was a temple that also included men, I wouldn’t allow you to join as a beginner for safety reasons. This temple will initiate you & prepare you to join any gender mixed temple of mine in the future.

If you have never done any sort of self-development, shadow, or embodiment work or you have never put yourself through emotionally intense healing… I’d invite you to be very honest with yourself if you are ready for this. Please DM me for an assessment. I’d be happy to guide you. I NEVER put profit over what I feel is deeply aligned for you & for the group. Please answer the survey honestly.

I have a lot of fear & feel really nervous… is this right for me?

YES! This is what I am here for. I am here to guide people who feel called to go into this deep work, yet feel afraid. We do practices that get you to calm down and get in your body. The workshops build up the energy and trust so overtime, your nerves will fade and you will feel comfortable. The feedback I receive from beginners the most is: "wow this felt so natural and normal to me to be in such a sensually free space". Also-- follow the nerves & excitement, that's a good thing! If you feel the calling, even though you feel fear, trust the calling. And, I am there to carry you the entire time.

We cannot give you a refund up to 5 days prior to the event.


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Kali's Shamanic Temple

Kali's Shamanic Temple

Shadows - Alchemy - Power


This temple welcomes our shadows, unconscious desires, & primal urges that are ready to be expressed, accepted, and fiercely loved. This is where one can find their true power. Goddess Kali will take us on a journey to our core, delayering all we are not & using sexual energy as a medicine to alchemize our deepest pains into pleasure. It takes stepping out of the victim consciousness to allow oneself to feel orgasmic for all that life is. This is where your primal self merges with the divine. 

Are you afraid of the power that resides in your primal self? Do you fear what might happen if you fully surrender to your deepest, rawest sexual desires?

This fear often holds us back from embodying our fullest sexual potential, leaving us unfulfilled, disconnected, and unable to tap into our true power. What happens in the bedroom is a reflection of the rest of our lives: if we fear our own power sexually, then how can we tap into the creative power of abundance, love, success, & whatever else you may long for? We can only experience as much pleasure as we allow ourselves to come alive. This means facing the dark, the light, the ugly, and the ecstatic.

Goddess Kali will guide us on a journey of sexual alchemy—a sacred merging where the primal energies of the lingam and yoni unite with the expansive consciousness of the heart. When our sexuality is not integrated with the higher awareness of the third eye and the love frequency of the heart, it can act out in the shadows. 

In this temple, we invite in an inner love-making between our humanity (ego) & our divinity (soul). When we dare to meet our most primal selves, we unlock a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Divine. Through the integration of our shadow and light, we access the full spectrum of our being, where the boundaries between the earthly and the sacred dissolve.  

Honoring your deepest truth is where sacred sexuality lives & breathes


Rituals COULD include themes around: (we honor the shamanic process & go with what is truly in service to the group): 

- Blindfold Shamanic movement & journey

- Sexual Alchemy Ritual

- archetypal expression & polarity play

- Sacred Slut Reclamation Ritual

- Lust meets Love Ritual

- Rage is Pleasure Practice

- ⁠Predator-Prey Practices

- ⁠Dark Priest/Priestess & Seeker Ritual

- ⁠Lingam/yoni to Heart Emergence 

- ⁠Egoic Desires Vs Soul Desires


This is a shamanic event that utilizes sexual energy as the medicine for deeply embodied shadow-work. To attend this temple, we require experience in self-development work, shamanism, and/or tantra and must knows how to operate in emotionally intense spaces. This ceremony will be challenging, all designed for your expansion and empowerment as well as an opportunity to step out of victim consciousness. Once we meet our deepest contractions, our capacity for pleasure becomes much greater. While we of course welcome people who have experienced trauma, as this is the place to heal it, we ask that you please reflect on where you are at emotionally & practice discernment if you can handle an intense environment. If you are unsure whether or not you are ready for this event, please contact Maia at +19492578737 for a short consultation call. There will be a team on hand to help you with your emotional needs during the event, however, we are not liable given our code & conduct of Self-Sovereignty. 

Please note that the practices in this event go beyond the scope of sexual play & pleasure. While that is indeed involved in the event, it is not the goal or center of shamanic work. If your main intention is for sexual engagement with others, this is not for you. If you are aligned with diving deeper into yourself for personal growth & expansion, then this is for you. 

About the facilitator:

Maia is a shamanic practitioner, drawing from her European lineage of fire magic, she channels the soul of the Great Mother. She specializes in: Sexuality, Shadow-work, Existential Kink, Rewilding, and all the taboo of Dark & Feminine, using shamanic, tantric, somatic and embodied methods. It’s raw & royal, and through this work you will integrate powerful parts in yourself that you never knew existed. She is your guide into the most contracted, dense, limiting aspects of yourself. It is through that meeting that one expands into their greatest power & love. This is her ultimate mission, on both an individual & collective level, to bring the wisdom of the dark to remind you that you are whole. She has been holding ceremonies for years & all over the world & is devoted to creating safe containers for people to own their full sexual power without shame or judgement. 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goddess.activation/

Website: Goddess-activation.com/about

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A Journey Into the Womb & Her Dark Mysteries (Online Program)

A Journey Into the Womb & Her Dark Mysteries (Online Program)

A Journey into the Womb & her Dark Mysteries

Why partake in shamanic womb work?

As women, our wombs carry the Creator of all that is. It is where our innate wisdom is held & our deepest truth lives & breathes. When we connect to our wombs, we connect to our power. When we have a relationship with our womb consciousness, we:

  • Feel safer in our bodies, tap into deeper trust, and step into our sovereign power

  • Embody our divine feminine selves & more easily access our inner oracle

  • Cocreate a life in alignment with our deepest truth

  • Activate more pleasure

  • Cultivate self-love

Online Program Structure:

  • 2 hour 1:1 online ritual with you, your womb, & Maia, focusing on your specific womb needs. The ritual could include practices like: shamanic womb journey, womb breathwork, cleansing & purification, shamanic chord cutting, underworld journey, embodied shadow-work, trauma release, somatic movement, existential kink, self-love practices, goddess activation & more

  • 2 hour online womb circle with all the wombman all over the world who is participating in the program. We will do rituals together as well as have a space to share.

  • 2 hours of self-guided rituals to perform at home & access to a private online community to share about our process & keep each other accountable


Throughout December, I will be holding the 1:1 private sessions with all the participants. Then, in January, we will gather for our sisterhood circle

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