About Goddess Activation

About Maia

My birth/legal name is Emily Elizabeth and my Spirit name is Maia, which translates to “Great Mother” and is whom I channel when I do this sacred work. I have journeyed into the depths of the Great Mother’s Soul, which we all carry inside of us, in order to bring you wisdom & medicine of the dark. I am a neo-shamanic practitioner, drawing wisdom from a lineage of Fire Magic and Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Celtic ancestries. 
I could give you a few identities to describe my unique medicine: Seer, Mystic, Witch, Shaman, Medium, Channeler, Priestess. Though, like I am not bound to my legal name, I am not bound to any identity, as I find them limiting. My medicine is raw, deep and transformational. I am here to help you return home to yourself & your deep truth.  Neo means new, yet inspired by ancient ways. I have learned & facilitated all over the world & have a gift of taking ancient techniques, wisdom, and technology and transforming the frequency to fit the modern world. I am in service to the New Earth, or what I like to call “New Humanity”. 
I take people into the dark because there they find truth, step out of victim, rise into their power, and cultivate more love & pleasure. I feel my purpose most when I whitness beings in ceremony fully dive deep into their pain to meet their most contracted, dense, limiting selves. It is through that meeting that one expands into their greatest power & love. This is my mission, on both an individual & collective level, to bring the wisdom of the dark to remind you that you are whole. 
I have shamanic, tantric, and women’s facilitator training. I have trained & facilitated all over the world & the land herself is always my greatest teacher. I channel the divine masculine & feminine energies that are activating and healing, working with both light and dark, using embodied shadow-work, sexuality, rewilding, & sorcery as medicine. I stand for unity, truth, unconditional love, & empowerment. 
I am not here to be your Guru. I am not here to take your power away. I am here to STAND with YOU & to hold space as you express all that is alive within you, as you strip away everything you are not, and as you rise into your sovereign power. 

"Maia holds a safe space in a way that is so clean & clear, that cultivates inner safety & strength. It is such a level of shamanism, playfullness, and deep attunment, that I feel honored to be in her field. I see how she is expanding the dark universe, a beautiful mix of light, shadow, & darkness. There is such a clarity that she carries. If you get the opportunity to dive in the dark & shamanistic realms with her, you will not see yourself in the same light afterwards. You will see dark things in a lighter way & lighter things in a darker way. An alchemy beyond reason, beyond feelings will be cultivated with you. She is a dear teacher of the dark, brave enough to dive beyond the concept, to bring you to a truer, deeper, soul evolution"


Dark Arts Facilitator & Artist

The Journey

When I went through my shamanic death, I have become the 8 billion people that roam this earth in a single body. I carry the entire ocean in my tears. I shine the light of all stars in the cosmos. My blood is the magma that flows in the veins of Great Mother. And my bones are the mountains that kiss Great Father. My heart is the unity where there is no separation, no duality. My womb is the dance of nothing and everything, the beginning and ending of all creation.

Here is my story

I was born a medicine woman separated from the Earth. This separation brought a deep trauma that closed me off from my own gifts. I was living outside my body resulting in fear, anxiety, psychosis, insomia. I was incredibly sensitive to the world and could feel the pain of the entire planet in my body, yet did not have the tools, teachers, nor support to guide me. I was an open vessel, alone & confused in all that I was carrying.

It took moving from my hometown in California to the lands of my ancestors in Europe to become aware of who my greatest teacher is: The Land herself. Through this rooting, my shamanic nature & the wisdom of the Dark began to move through me. It took diving into the most dense, limiting, shadowy aspects of my being and 6 years spent in the dark night of the soul, to open myself up to this deeply intimate connection with the Earth. I had to learn that fear is my compass and I am deeply grateful for her medicine.

The shamanic path has brought me deep into my body and proved that it is safe to feel the entirety of life. I began to accept my humanness. It is fascinating—the animal, the wild, the primal—I became obsessed with it and now, my whole lifestyle revolves around embodiment. Embodiment practices helps me to bridge the mystical into the physical and to embrace all the energies I sense.

When I learned to ground myself in this earthly realm, the divine feminine made itself known to me that I am here to help others heal the wounded feminine and so the Goddess led me to create Goddess Activation Dance. This dance form allows the goddess to move through and to become. It elevates the vibration of the body and taps into its full divine potential, making love and creating sacred union with the divine masculine. It is where the primal meets spirit. It is the making love of dark and light. And in this space, we completely eradicate shame and allow the feminine to express all that is her. It excites me when I taste a client drop into their essence and power, fully glowing of their sexual, life force energy, and completely empowered by their own feminine & masculine reclamation journey. I am motivated by beings stepping into their power, their truth, their essence and so I created circles, ceremonies, & evening retreats to go deeper in this work. I began to channel, learn, and guide practices and rituals beyond just dance medicine—embodiment practices that have transformed mine and my clients lives.

My spirit wanted to go deeper. So I journeyed to Egypt to work with the energies of the ancient Egyptian goddesses and became initiated as a temple priestess. I then divulged myself in intense tantric training and found myself creating my own temples, one in which we practice sacred sexuality, utilize sexual energy to heal traumas, and to have a safer space to be completely sexually free. And again my spirit wanted to go deeper. So I took a pilgrimage to Iceland, the land of fire and ice, and went through a shamanic initiation in which I fully took on the soul of Mother Earth. I took on her pain, disconnection, abuse, terror. I sacrificed my mind, my heart, my pussy, and my soul, completely giving away all identity of self. This soul initiation resulted in a loss of will to live and the darkest part of my journey. This lead me to going fully Nomadic in search for that will. I was in a state of deep surrender, in which I gave up everything & travelled alone with little money. My body was the planets entirely.

After screaming naked in the Jungle in Koh Phagnan, gifting my blood to the ancient highlands in Scotland, returning to California, coming back to Holland, and finding myself again & again in all the lands I danced upon, I came back home to my true self.. I found my will to live, and to live greatly. I said Yes to life. There is simply no greater pleasure than embracing the everything and surrendering to the nothing.

I walked through the darkest corners of the world, many times, so I can bring you the wisdom of the dark and show you how to create & rely on your own inner flame.

Because darling, you are me and I am you. I am here to help you to remember where you truly come from, which is everlasting, unconditional love. Here you can find a homecoming. Divulge with me in shamanic, tantric, and other practices to strip away who you think you are and to find peace, love, and joy in your authenticity. And let me know how I can be of service to you, because to you, I worship.

What is Goddess Activation?

Goddess is the divine feminine. Activation is the divine masculine.

We use these energies separately and together to create sacred union within our own being. We tap into the infinite of all everything and the infinite of all nothing. This is how we return home.

Goddess is the divine feminine energy. Activation is divine masculine energy. Through many different archetypes, the gods and goddesses awaken certain energy points in your body and auric field. They can help alchemize old patterns and programming deeply integrated in your DNA. They can release old energies that lower your vibration. They can help work through traumas. They can put you into alignment. All so that you can evolve to higher consciousness and so that you can vibrate at higher frequencies.

The divine feminine magic moves through your body using the dance, sound, and other medicines and the divine masculine penetrates love into the deepest depths of your being. We partake in embodiment practices in order to connect the physical to the mystical.

Once you open yourself to the activations, it can absolutely change your life!

Temple Rules For All Rituals

1. Your truth matters. I want to empower you to discover and honour your own deep inner truth. Do not blindly follow me, I encourage all my clients to feel into their body what resonates and to disregard all that does not.

2. Safety is incredibly important to me. My space is a non-judgemental free zone where you can express all that you are. Anything is welcome. I nor anyone is allowed to talk about anyone’s process & experience except their own outside the temple space. This keeps what happens inside temple sacred and allows one to express what they need without fear.

3. The goddess and I practice consent. We honour and respect your boundaries and your NO. You are never forced to do anything that does not feel aligned with you. And, when you do feel an authentic YES, it allows you to open that much more so the work can go that much deeper! We ask you to always check in with your body because you are your own guide, healer, coach, spiritual guru, etc.

Official Trainings

Sacred Woman’s Moonlodge Leadership Year Training (Certified Womens Facilitator)


International School of Tantric Arts Level 1 & Level 2


Currently undergoing Somatic Healing Certification


I AM CREATION (training with masters from all over the world)


Rewilding for Women Workshops

Embodied Awakening Academy Workshops

Layla Martin Workshops

Ana Kinkela Somatic Workshop

Peruquois Vocal Yoga Course

Osho Ashram Gangadham in Rishikesh, India

Many other workshops and teachings internationally