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Persephone & Pluto: An alchemy journey into the kinky underworld

Persephone & Pluto:

An alchemic journey into the kinky realms of your underworld

Do you ever get the sense that shadow parts come out to sabotage you?

Or that life just isn’t flowing and you keep looping in the same limiting circumstances?

Would you like to harbor the strength of those disowned parts and use them to fuel your purpose?

This is an alchemic journey into deeply loving yourself. ALL of you. The dark, the light, the child, the perpetrator. A recognition that that which we disown holds power over us, and that which we reclaim will align to serve our higher purpose. Inspired by the work of Existential Kink we will guide you into embodying your inner Pluto (shadow), your inner Persephone (victim) and the all knowing Pomegranate tree (higher self), working through the symbolism found in the myth of Persephone & Pluto.

This is for you to:

Step into the fullness of you

Be guided into ritual space

Listen to you own intuition and inner-guidance

Tap into embodied wisdom

This is not about:

This not about you outsourcing your power

This is not about peak experiences

T h e M y t h & reframe of Persephone:

Persephone (Kore) was the Greek goddess of agriculture and vegetation, and the wife of Hades, the ruler of the Underworld. Her story is a vital element of the Eleusinian Mysteries. One that we will initiate you into through embodiment and ritual.

The myth of Persephone goes as follows:

One sunny day young Persephone is out picking flowers, when suddenly the earth rips open to reveal the king of the underworld himself! Hades (Pluto) grabs Persephone and forcefully drags her down into the underworld, where she is made his unwilling wife. One day amidst her misery, Persephone is tricked into eating pomegranate, the fruit of the underworld. In doing so Persephone becomes queen of the underworld and is bound to underworld forever.

The deeper truth?

Hades is the manifestation of Persephone’s disowned parts. In incarnating into duality Persephone identifies with love, light, spring and flowers. She forgets that she is death, winter, grief and rage.

Before embodying the dual world Persephone makes an agreement with Hades: “When I forget, please remind me of who I really am.”

At first Hades objects: “I will hurt you. I will take away your power and violate you before you remember.”

In full devotion Persephone begs him: “Whatever it takes! I have to remember. It is my purpose. Please!”

Seeing her determination, out of sheer love, Hades agrees. He plays the role of perpetrator. Until one day Persephone eats the seeds of a pomegranate tree and in doing so remembers all. Once Persephone reclaims who she truly is, she tenderly reunites with Hades and is able to rule both worlds, spending 6 months of each year above (spring and summer) and 6 months below.

Why it matters?

This is you, love. With all your grief and all your aches, there is a higher purpose. Let us guide you back into remembering who you really are.

I n v e s t m e n t:

1st tier pricing €88,-

2nd tier pricing €99,-

3rd tier pricing €111,-

S c h e d u l e (indicatory):

13.30 Doors open

14.00 Opening circle, sharing creating the container, group safety

15.45 Break

16.00 Entering ritual space

18,00 Break

19.00 Integration

20.00 Closing Circle

The practices and R i t u a l s:

Existential kink practices, which involves a combination of shadow-work and pleasure-work

Shamanic shapeshifting to embody different archetypes

Working with your own se.xual energy via a pleasure practice

Solo and group practices

Emotional release through expansion exercises

Rite of passage into the wise self

*Please note: This is NOT a sexual event where we will engage sexually with others. There will be a ritual where you are invited to engage in sexuality with yourself.*

Your F a c i l i t a t o r s:

Maia is a shamanic practitioner who is here to help you remember your authentic self, ground in your truth, and take ownership of your power.

Maia is the creator of Goddess Activation, and her work is focused primarily on se.xual energy, embodiment, shadow-work & tantra. She has been holding ceremonies for years & all over the world & is devoted to creating safe containers for people to express their se.xuality without shame or judgment. She is both a disciple and the embodiment of the Holy Mother Earth and is here to live out the mission to restore the Goddess energy in our bodies as well as on the planet.

Ariana Lara Norcia is a tantrika and sensuality coach, her mission is to bring healing through the taboo. “My fascination is around taking the healthy expression of that which is taboo & turning it into collective medicine”

She is here to hold you with softness and attunement through those moments of transformation, whether it’s a small step out of your comfort zone or a red thread guiding you through the dark night of the soul.

Boundaries & guidelines:

- We will not be guiding touch between participants

- You are always welcome to do an exercise differently or sit an exercise out. We invite you into self responsibility and will have spaceholders present to support you along the way.

- There will be an introvert corner if you need a time out, as well as a processing/ release corner

V e n u e

Veenendaalplein 147, Amsterdam

* couple min from metrostation Gein, free parking



- We provide snacks and tea. Dinner will not be provided. You can order food, bring your own or buy food nearby (couple min walk from venue)

What to wear?

- Bring some comfy clothes you can easily move in and have a different outfit option that feels more ritualistic to you

What to bring?

- pen & paper, water bottle, towel. Optional: outfit changes, food

Refund policy:

Your refund will not include transaction costs initiated by the Hipsy website

We do not offer refunds up to 5 days until the event

Other Q u e s t i o n s?

Contact Maia +19492578737 or Ariana +31638644531

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