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A Journey Into the Womb & Her Dark Mysteries (Online Program)

A Journey into the Womb & her Dark Mysteries

Why partake in shamanic womb work?

As women, our wombs carry the Creator of all that is. It is where our innate wisdom is held & our deepest truth lives & breathes. When we connect to our wombs, we connect to our power. When we have a relationship with our womb consciousness, we:

  • Feel safer in our bodies, tap into deeper trust, and step into our sovereign power

  • Embody our divine feminine selves & more easily access our inner oracle

  • Cocreate a life in alignment with our deepest truth

  • Activate more pleasure

  • Cultivate self-love

Online Program Structure:

  • 2 hour 1:1 online ritual with you, your womb, & Maia, focusing on your specific womb needs. The ritual could include practices like: shamanic womb journey, womb breathwork, cleansing & purification, shamanic chord cutting, underworld journey, embodied shadow-work, trauma release, somatic movement, existential kink, self-love practices, goddess activation & more

  • 2 hour online womb circle with all the wombman all over the world who is participating in the program. We will do rituals together as well as have a space to share.

  • 2 hours of self-guided rituals to perform at home & access to a private online community to share about our process & keep each other accountable


Throughout December, I will be holding the 1:1 private sessions with all the participants. Then, in January, we will gather for our sisterhood circle

October 11

Anubis Tantric Temple: Awaken the Primal to merge with God

January 11

Kali's Shamanic Temple